Page Created 12-7-98

Lionel Fanthorpe
B.A.(Hons), F.C.P., F.I.Mgt., Cert. Ed.

Presenter of "Fortean TV" on Chanel 4

Actor, Raconteur, Entertainer - Member of Equity
Member of Mensa, Society of Authors & Welsh Academy
Holder of Seven World Marathon Records for Authors (Prose, Poetry, Drama, Short Stories, Children's Stories, Autobiography, etc.,)
Book and Film Reviewer, Competition Adjudicator
Columnist for "South Wales Echo"
Consultant and Festival Co-ordinator to the U.K. Year of Literature and Writing 1995
Presenter of the P.A.C.T. Indie Awards for Independent TV Producter 1998
Member of H.O.G. (Harly Owners' Group)
Patron of Jumbo GB organisation: The Motorcyclists Charity for Children with Disabilities 1998

Author, Broadcaster, Voice-over Specialist, Management Consultant, Lecturer and Tutor

© R. Lionel Fanthorpe.